Maulana Azad (11.11.1888 – 22.02.1958) was a poet, writer, speaker and scholar. He was the first Educational Minister of free India. His contribution in establishing the proper foundation for Indian education was honoured by declaring his birthday as ‘National Education Day’. This essay ‘Education and National Reconstruction’ is taken from the Press Conference of February 18, 1947.
Maulana Azad begins his speech by asserting that educational system is one of the major problems faced by any nation. He strongly believed that only a liberal and humanitarian education can change the outlook of the people and show them the right way. A society is not just a group of individuals but also their collective behaviour. The quality of an individual is based on the quality of education imparted to him/her.
It is time to ensure the system of education imparted so as to fulfil our national requirements. He remarked that the existing system was created by the non-nationals in non-national interests. Macaulay was the sole force behind the existing educational system and ideals. He never hid the fact that the education imparted to Indians was to make them fully devoted to the Great Britain. At the same time, the great services rendered by them could not be denied. They introduced Science and modern Technology and brought standards in the system. Dazzled by the achievements of the West, we started to look down upon our national heritage.
Experimentation of imparting education through mother tongue up to the matriculation standard was tried and got success. It is time to educate the masses in their own languages. Foundation is very important for a proper structure of education but it is ignored in the early stages. Education is handed over to the people who do not even possess minimum qualifications. Teachers too cannot be blamed as the society and the system have degraded their positions. In the past, teachers were considered as the exalted ones. They were not wealthy but commanded respect and prestige. Nowadays, teachers are hardly better than an inferior servant. For reconstruction, the status of the teachers should be improved first. Sergeant Report not only ensures the status of the teachers but also lays down the criteria along which education for citizenship should be imparted. We need to emphasise on learning through mother tongue. Provinces/States have accepted to cooperate in this regard and sought support from the Centre. It is proposed to invite all the Provincial Ministers and representatives of universities to plan out a comprehensive programme of work.
No definite conclusion has been arrived at as far as religious instruction in schools are concerned. In the past, a majority of the educationists from the Great Britain and Russia emphasised on secular education. But another set of experts opined that education without religious teachings become useless. Now, the Great Britain and Russia have recognised the value of religious instruction. Notably, the emphasis on religion has been and still is greater than any other country in the world. Past traditions and present tempers of the people support the need for religious instruction. If government decides to include religious instruction in the educational system, it has to see to that it is of the best type. The aim of religious education should be to make men more tolerant and broadminded.
He questions the role of missionary societies in imparting education. It is no doubt that the missionary societies played a major role in the dissemination of modern outlook and technology. Missionary societies did a wonderful job not only in India but also in China, Japan and South-East Asian countries. New Education began with the help of missionary societies. The East India Company initially supported Oriental Education and brought learning to the millions without which they would have remained as illiterates. Their contributions in the development of the Indian languages is of great importance. Why not missionary societies continue their service in the future? Missionaries involving themselves in mass conversion is no conversion at all. Jesus Christ emphasised on the baptism of the spirit rather than baptism just by water. India will readily accept missionaries’ service if they maintain their enlightened outlook.
The Deputy Educational Advisor reported that during a war 2 million soldiers were made literate by the army through the use of the Roman Script. Experience showed that one can acquire a working knowledge of Hindustani in 3 to 6 months’ time. It is also observed that Devanagiri and Urdu would not have served the purpose in that case. Suitable literature can be made available to all Indians and may be called as Roman Hindustani.
            To conclude, Azad requests the Central Advisory Board of Education to set up National Museums and National Cultural Trusts to support and develop Indian philosophy, literature and art. There should be some provision for fundamental research work. New guide for teachers should be prepared based on the new scheme of education. There needs to be some uniformity in the curriculum but with full freedom. Sometimes, grants may be allotted without waiting for the results. Archaeological Studies in India should be developed to preserve the archaeological remains and monuments scattered all over the land. Education should be given the highest priority in the national budget after food and clothing. It is only then we can place our Indian education in par with education in the other civilised countries of the world.


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